Accessible Math



Boy standing with his nose against a chalkboard.This webinar was live on May 15, 2020. It covered several tools used to convert inaccessible documents, like pdf's, into accessible formats with a focus on math.

This webinar is for teachers and transcribers who are looking for specific guidance and tools for math conversion that can be implemented immediately.

View a recording of the webinar External link opens in new window or tab. (Youtube)


In this Webinar:

  • Learn the different tools for math conversion.
  • Learn best practices for the recommended tools.
  • Learn how your students can consume math in Word and Google Docs.


Yurika Vu - Assistive Technology Coordinator, California School for the Blind

Thomas Simpson - Western Regional Sales Manager, HIMS

Kaitlin Cunningham - Co-Founder, Mathpix

John Taylor - Product Specialist, Sterling Adaptives


HIMS-Lifestyle; CA School for the Blind; Mathpix; Sterling Adaptives-Techonoloy Solutgions for People with Disabilities