Short-Term Programs

The California School for the Blind offers Short-Term Programs that provides specialized week long courses, online workshops, and summer academies for students with visual impairments, focusing on the Expanded Core Curriculum and skill development.

Our Short-Term Programs offer various types of programs like a week long short courses, summer academies, and a learning lab to support growth and enrichment for our community.

Meet Our Staff

Our team is made of dynamic members to provide excellent services to our students and the community.

Group Image of the Short-Term Programs - From left to the right Adrian, Erica, Cyndi and Sarah Joseph (SJ)

Erica Hogle: Short-Term Programs Coordinator

Erica Hogle

Erica has been an Orientation and Mobility (O&M) Specialist since 2013. Her involvement in the field includes lecturing at university courses for the O&M program at San Francisco State University, working with adult blind clients, teaching in school districts, and delivering services abroad, including places such as Argentina, Lebanon and Uruguay.

Cyndi Davis: Short-Term Programs Specialist

Cyndi Davis

Cyndi has been a Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments since 2015 and an Orientation and Mobility Specialist since 2017. Her experience includes serving as an adjunct faculty member in the O&M department at San Francisco State University, teaching in school districts, Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA), County offices of education, and working for Guide Dogs for the Blind.

Sarah Joseph: Outreach Coordinator

Sarah joseph-SJ
Sarah is new to the blind community and comes with a variety of experiences in the education sector and the tech space. She works with the outreach team and manages the school website and social media. She also serves as the outreach programs coordinator.

Adrian Amandi: Director

Adrian Amandi

Adrian Amandi is the Director of the California Education Resource Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired at the California School for the Blind. Adrian has a multitude of experiences ranging from coordinating the Assistive Technology Center at CSB to in-home infant services at Blind Children's Learning Center (BCLC). Adrian is a Professor at San Francisco State University and is currently leading the revision of the California Guidelines for Programs Serving Students with Visual Impairments. He has worked in self-contained classrooms and itinerant settings; and is presently working at CSB to provide consultation, assessment, and technical assistance, without cost, to the entire state of California through the Education Resource Center.

Provolone: Classroom Companion

Provolone, a Golden Retriever mix, was raised as a Guide Dog Puppy in 2018, attending elementary and middle school classes regularly. He decided that becoming a Guide Dog was too challenging, and that he would much rather spend his days in a school setting. He excels in listening, both to students reading and students giving commands. He enjoys quietly sitting in the classroom while students work.

Presley: Scholarly Sidekick

Dog: Presley

Presley, a yellow Labrador, was raised as a Guide Dog Puppy in 2020, attending elementary and middle school, sometimes in an online format. Presley has some medical issues that don't allow him to be a Guide Dog, so we are lucky to spend our days with him. Presley excels at obedience, going on walks, playing with toys and napping at your feet.

Note: Our Short-Term Programs Dogs participate in our program as long as participants are comfortable. They can spend time away from students in our office, or stay home on days when students are not comfortable being around dogs. Please let us know if you have allergies or concerns.