CSB Shines at the CAOMS Annual Conference

California School for the Blind (CSB) showcased leadership and innovation at the 2024 California Association of Orientation and Mobility Specialists (CAOMS) Conference with impactful workshops advancing orientation and mobility education.

The California School for the Blind (CSB) made a significant impact at this year's California Association of Orientation & Mobility Specialists (CAOMS) Statewide Conference, held on December 6-7, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency, Orange County, California. CSB staff demonstrated their leadership in the field of orientation and mobility (O&M) by presenting four impactful workshops, sharing their expertise and innovative approaches with professionals across the state.

Image of presentors at CAOMS Conference.

Shelby looking at the presenter Stephanie at the podium presenting at CAOMS Conference.

Image of May presenting at CAOMS.

May presenting at CAOMS.


CSB's Workshops

From Busy to Balanced

Presented by Erica Hogle and Cyndi Davis

This session provided actionable strategies for O&M professionals to maintain balance in their busy schedules, enhancing productivity and personal well-being.

Collaborative Workshop on Revising the Guidelines for Programs Serving Students with Visual Impairments

Presented by Adrian Amandi

CSB's Director of Statewide Outreach Services led a dynamic workshop engaging participants in the revision process of critical guidelines, ensuring alignment with best practices for supporting blind and low vision students.

Supporting the Mental Health of Blind and Low Vision Individuals

Presented by May Nguyen

Focused on the vital intersection of mental health and visual impairment, this session emphasized resources and approaches for supporting students' emotional well-being alongside their O&M needs.

Meaningful O&M for Students with Multiple Disabilities

Presented by Stephanie Herlich and Shelby Zimmerman

This workshop addressed strategies for creating impactful O&M experiences tailored to students with extensive support needs, ensuring access and progress for all learners.

CSB's presence at the conference underscores its ongoing commitment to advancing best practices, collaboration, and innovation in the field of orientation and mobility. Through these workshops, CSB continues to lead the way in supporting professionals and empowering students with blindness and low vision to navigate their world with confidence.

For more information about CSB's outreach services, visit California School for the Blind - Outreach Programs.

Presenter Bios

Erica Hogle: Short-Term Programs Coordinator at the California School for the Blind (CSB) and a Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialist (COMS) since 2013. Erica has taught O&M domestically and internationally, including in Argentina, Lebanon, and Uruguay.

Cyndi Davis: Short-Term Programs Specialist at CSB, Cyndi has been a Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments since 2015 and an Orientation and Mobility Specialist since 2017. Her experience includes serving as an adjunct faculty member in the O&M department at San Francisco State University, teaching in school districts, Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPA), County Offices of Education, and working for Guide Dogs for the Blind.

Adrian Amandi: Director of Statewide Outreach Services at CSB, Adrian has extensive experience as a Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments (TSVI) and university professor. He is currently leading the revision of the California Guidelines for Programs Serving Students with Visual Impairments.

May Nguyen: A Licensed Educational Psychologist at CSB's Assessment Center and co-founder of Resilient Minds Collective. May specializes in supporting the mental health of blind and low vision individuals.

Stephanie Herlich: A TSVI and O&M Specialist with over 20 years of experience. Stephanie coordinates CSB's Assessment Center and is a recognized author and lecturer.

Shelby Zimmerman: TSVI, COMS, and Guide Dog Mobility Instructor, Shelby works on the CSB Assessment team and teaches O&M and independent living skills to students of all ages.