Flyer Policies

Policies and procedures for bringing and picking up your child at the airport.

These are the CSB procedures that we ask you to follow while bringing and picking up your child at the airport. We believe that following procedures makes the entire process go more smoothly for all concerned and therefore are asking all families to please follow them exactly.

  • Please obtain an escort pass from the airline desk, go through security and meet the plane/escort at the gate for arrival and departure.
  • It is absolutely necessary that you arrive 1 and 1/2 hours prior to the scheduled time of departure. (This is necessary even if the scheduled time is delayed; planes have been known to leave on time, even after a delay is posted.)
  • Should you arrive at the gate after the escort and other students have already boarded, the escort will not deplane to retrieve your child. It is your responsibility to notify airport personnel so that they may escort your child onboard to join the rest of the group.
  • When meeting students, we want you to arrive at the Gate 1/2 hour before the planes expected arrival. (CSB staff will not leave the gate area.)
  • You MUST remain at the gate area until the plane is AIRBORNE, even if a CSB escort is present. (It has happened that a plane has left the gate and then returned prior to take off and the flight cancelled.) In the event that a flight is cancelled, returns back to the gate, or is unloaded to change planes, the parent will be required to care for his/her child until the next flight leaves and the plane is airborne.
  • There will be no baggage checked on a weekly basis. Carry on luggage is all that is allowed except during long holiday weekends/weeks when we will check baggage if families request it. Carry on luggage must meet airline criteria for size and number of pieces.
  • Please be sure you help your student with toileting needs prior to his/her boarding the plane.
  • Two weeks notice is required to make any changes in flight reservations.

Thank you for your cooperation in making your student's trips safe and happy experiences. If you have any questions about these procedures, please call our transportation office at 510-794-3864.