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The Creative Spirit

Art Made by Students of the California School for the Blind

The art program at the California School for the Blind (CSB) supports the school’s mission of preparing students to become independent citizens. Art classes provide opportunities to practice self-determination and creative expression. Ceramics, drawing, painting, and sculpture aid in developing spatial concepts, tactile discernment, and fine motor skills.

The guiding principle of the program is the belief that “every human being is endowed with a creative spirit” (Viktor Lowenfield, 1957). Enjoyment of the arts is one area within the Expanded Core Curriculum. Participating in art has benefits for all students, including those who have visual impairments.

The art room offers young people a safe place to do art. Students are encouraged to pursue their interests, make choices, and engage in the creative process as independently as possible. Materials are labeled in both braille and large print for accessibility. A non judgmental approach allow students to explore a variety of media and have fun while developing skills.

Students participate and have won awards in local and national are exhibits, including the Insights Art Competition sponsored each year by the American Printing House for the Blind. CSB also celebrates students' work with the annual Spring Art Show, an opportunity for all to enjoy the pieces made during the year.

The work on display here was made by young people who love doing art and are thrilled when their vibrant artwork that transforms our space and shows the students’ talent and creativity.

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