Parents and Friends Association

PFA - Parents and Friends Association of the California School for the Blind.

What Do We Do?

The Parents and Friends Association of the California School for the Blind (PFA) is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization which raises funds to enrich and improve the quality of education and dorm life at CSB.

The goal of PFA is to work with CSB staff to provide an environment that will enhance student independence and enrich their lives.

PFA has sponsored many school-wide events such as carnivals, snow days, sports events, White Cane Day and the Halloween and Holiday dances. CSB parents, friends and students manned concession stands at the Crazy Car Show and served the teachers and staff at the "Welcome Back Breakfast". We have funded uniforms and trips to tournaments for our medal-winning Goal Ball, Karate and Wrestling teams. Smaller groups of students have been able to take trips to ballgames, rock wall climbing facilities and local historical sites. Our funding has provided essential supplies and equipment for class activities.

PFA seeks to eradicate misconceptions about visual impairments among the non-disabled to facilitate the students' full integration into the larger community.

We Need You!

We need volunteers for both on-campus and off-campus events and fundraising. If you are interested in joining the PFA team, please contact:

"Support - Encourage - Inspire"